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Crashdiet: The Unattractive Revolution
Melodic Hard/Sleaze/Glam Rock
Rating: 3.25/5.0

I thoroughly loved Crashdiet's 2005 debut album, 'Rest In Sleaze.' These boys nailed the whole sleaze/melodic rock genre with such songs as 'Knokk Em Down,' 'Riot In Everyone,' and 'Straight Outta Hell.' Their music was hard, harsh, wild and melodic: very good stuff! Then tragedy struck as it often does in the world of rock and roll when lead singer, Dave Lepard, died via suicide succumbing to his own self-inflicted hard living. This, I'm sure, gave the rest of the band pause: should we stop or continue on.

Thankfully, Crashdiet chose to pursue the later. But it's always hard filling the shoes of one who possibly could have been destined for greatness. So Crashdiet recruited Olliver (history unknown). Is he as good as Mr. Lepard? Only time will tell, but he deserves every opportunity to excel. And in the end, I loved Crashdiet for sum of the parts and not one individual member. Because of this, Olliver fits very well.

I'll admit, on the very first listen, I was not incredibly impressed with 'The Unattractive Revolution;' every song seemed to run together. Then, I turned up the volume, sat back, and listened with open ears and mind. Holy shit! Listen to this loud! This album rocks! At least at the beginning.

'In The Raw' kicks off the album with a crash of raw enthusiasm, but it hardly the best song on the album. Move on to 'Like A Sin,' and now you're definitely on a 'crashdiet' of rowdy rock 'n' roll. The chorus is worth everything. And it keeps getting better: 'I Don't Care' is shear tongue-in-cheek cleverness: sarastic lyrics wrapped around impressive guitar hooks. All seems good to this point, but things quickly go south from here.

In the middle of this work, Crashdiet drops some serious bombs, and I don't mean this in a good sense. 'Alone,' a quasi-ballad, is one for sure: it's sullen and unimpressive. 'Thrill Me' tries to rock hard with near metal tendencies and charms with its great drumming and guitar work, but eventually it dissolves into obscurity with its insipid arrangement and chorus. 'Overnight' is another number with great musicianship, yet it succumbs to monotonous vocals and production. 'Bound To Be Enslaved' is simply a yawner, it did nothing for me. The boys redeem themselves on 'XTC Overdrive' where the guitars rip and Olliver bursts his lungs. When you get to the final cut 'Buried Song,' you're nearly back at the middle. Thanks to the strong rhythm section, gutsy guitar work, and near Axl Rose vocals, the song proves that Crasdiet is in good form.

In one sense, I'm ambivalent about 'The Unattractive Revolution.' I like it on one level: it's raw and rowdy rock 'n' roll. On another level, it seems lacking in creative consistency. All this uncertainity could simply be due to one fact: this band needs to work with a new lead singer. Without doubt, Olliver has passion, just listen to his voice. But the rest of the band has emotional issues with which to deal (sorry, if I sound like Dr. Phil: I don't mean to pyschoanalyze). It's hard to replace a friend let alone his talents. Bringing on a new mate means nursing the grief and hoping for the future. It is this future I have confidence in: stick around, Crashdiet will prevail in time.

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