Frontiers Records
by Craig Hartranft, 08.15.2011
Call the title a confession of humility or just clever, Work of Art's second album, In Progress, is pure AOR melodic rock. Channeling the late Seventies to early Eighties origins from US masters like Toto, Ambrosia, Journey, and Giant, Work of Art does what they do best: offer huge melodic arrangements with profound vocal arrangements, big choruses, and soaring fret and keyboard work. Few in America are resurrecting this sound, and Work of Art get it. While building on their debut Art Work, if anything, In Progress is heavier and more forceful than its predecessor.
Simply, there's some driving rock songs on In Progress. It's the best West Coast rock on a cocktail of Red Bull and Absolut. The Rain, Nature of the Game, Never Love Again, Eye of the Storm, and Castaway are heavy with big riffs, even if they are at times tempered by twinkling synths. Even with a keyboard solo, as within Eye of the Storm, there's some serious ass-kicking going on here. In AOR melodic rock? Yeah, it can happen. But it's all wrapped up in convincing melody and some of the best vocals and vocal arrangements you will find in the genre.
It's not that there isn't some lighter fare here. Work of Art still remembers that the whole AOR melodic rock and West Coast sound has a breezy character about it. You'll find it on Until You Believe, somewhat on Once Again, but returning on Fall Down. It's all rather inspired and convincing.
For AOR, In Progress is a complete album, all the best of AOR melodic rock. It's easy for some to clone this genre, but often it's merely that: a cheap copy of a classic era. Work of Art resurrects and breathes life into this significant style. Is In Progress better than their debut? It's equivalent. Some songs border on average like Call On Me and One Step Away. Nevertheless, fans of AOR, both melodic and West Coast, will dig Work of Art's In Progress. Strongly recommended.
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For AOR, In Progress is a complete album, all the best of AOR melodic rock. It's easy for some to clone this genre, but often it's merely that: a cheap copy of a classic era. Work of Art resurrects and breathes life into this significant style.
The Powell Payne project, created in 2022 is the collaboration of Mark "Penfold Powell (ex-drummer of Psycho Kiss) and Adam Payne (former vocalist of Airrace). With guitarist Adam Davies and keyboard player ... [ Read More ]