by Craig Hartranft, 04.02.2012
If it's not broken, don't fix it. With their second album, In Via, Frames doesn't venture far from their musical neighborhood.
Here's more soundscapes built around monumental amounts of big riffage, quiet moments of piano and acoustic guitar, and large layers of ambience and atmosphere. It's equally bold and subtle, stark and lively music. It's almost Muse without the vocals. Essentially, In Via is sophisticated shoegaze progressive rock. There's not much more to say. If you liked the previous Mozaik, then you'll dig this one too.
Essentially, Frames' In Via is sophisticated shoegaze progressive rock. There's not much more to say. If you liked their first album, then you'll dig this one too.
The Powell Payne project, created in 2022 is the collaboration of Mark "Penfold Powell (ex-drummer of Psycho Kiss) and Adam Payne (former vocalist of Airrace). With guitarist Adam Davies and keyboard player ... [ Read More ]