Pure Steel Records
Words: Craig Hartranft
Added: 22.10.2014
Alright. Let's get this out of the way at the start. Every reviewer will have to do it. This Warrant is not that Warrant. You know the American hair metal band that's famous for the song Cherry Pie. Nope. With Germany's Warrant you're definitely biting into the wrong pie. This trio, which also dates back to the Eighties, plays basic heavy, power, and speed metal, with emphasis on speed.
Back in the day, Warrant had one album and lately, after re-emerging, a compilation album which includes that album and other miscellaneous songs. Nearly 30 years later, the only remaining founding member, bassist and vocalist Jörg Juraschek, brings a new band and a new album, Metal Bridge. And a few sentences earlier, I basically give all the information you need to know.
This is classic speed metal, plain and simple. You know, basic traditional heavy metal, still melodic, but only revved up like some nitro-fueled racer. Rushing numbers come with Asylum, Helium Head, Eat Me Alive, or Keep You in Hell, by example. Conversely, Warrant can be somewhat subdued by comparison. Blood in the Sky and All the King's Horses moderate the tempo a smidgen into more classic heavy metal. Often the two motifs, speed and moderation, can be found within a song as with Nyctophobia or Immortal (which has a nice vocal harmony). Throughout Thomas Roseman drums are bold, heavy, and thundering; Dirk Preylowski's guitar leads sharp and furious; and Juraschek's vocals unwavering, clear and sometimes piercing. Metal Bridge is essentially 1985 speed metal deja vu, and Warrant is pretty darn good at it. If like the style, you'll probably dig this album.
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Metal Bridge is essentially 1985 speed metal deja vu, and Warrant is pretty darn good at it. If like the style, you'll probably dig this album.
Now entering their second decade in music biz, Sweden's Wildness returns with latest and fourth studio album, Avenger. Band personnel has remained consistent for the last four years with the addition of Erik ... [ Read More ]