Inferno Records
Words: Craig Hartranft
Added: 17.06.2015
It's always a pleasure to introduce to the Dangerdog international music community to another Pennsylvania band, Lady Beast. Actually, it's a second introduction for the Pittsburgh band as they release their second album appropriately titled II.
Explaining Lady Beast's sound is pretty simple. This is old school melodic, heavy, and speed metal, an American version of the NWoBHM sound, only with a female lead vocalist. Call it a time warp if you will, but Lady Beast basically nails the genre. Clean vocals, often soaring, never harsh or hardcore. Twin guitar harmony, with an abundance of stinging guitar solos in every song. A solid rhythm section keeping a steady or, when necessary, a speedy pace. The song arrangements effortlessly incorporate melody and groove, while still remaining heavy and often swift at times. Lady Beast isn't reinventing the classic metal wheel nor drifting from the roots of their eponymous debut album. And why should they? They have a good thing going.
As for the songs, you'll find that most gallop along, offering some moderation at times. Often you'll notice the speed, when the guitar solo comes roaring in during the latter half of songs like Banshee or Caged Fury. Try to keep up. Mostly, if you're a true metal fan, you'll connect with every song. However, I have to admit that Heroes Of Our Time and Frost Giant Daughter didn't quite grab me. Something about groove and pacing made them seem more generic, even hastily put together. Nevertheless, they'll likely grow on you, and the don't diminish the value of the album or the simple quality of Lady Beast's old school metal. Hey, it's all good. If you liked Lady Beast in the past, or maybe never heard of them but love classic "keep it true" heavy metal, you'll want to get this album.
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If you liked Lady Beast in the past, or maybe never heard of them but love classic "keep it true" heavy metal, you'll want to get this album.
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