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Worldview: The Chosen Few
Worldview - The Chosen Few CD Album Review

Worldview: The Chosen Few

Melodic/Heavy/Power Metal

Worldview is the collaboration of guitarist George Rene Ochoa (Deliverance, Recon, Vengeance Rising) and vocalist Rey Parra (Sacred Warrior), at the suggestion of Rick Macias (Sacred Warrior) before he passed away. Ochoa and Parra took his advice, but also made the band and music somewhat of a memorial to their friend.

Worldview The Chosen Few Band Photo


It appears that such noble intentions has inspired some strong melodic heavy metal for their first album, The Chosen Few. The music, as you migh expect, revolves around the principals, focusing on the vocals and guitar parts. Parra has always been an exceptional vocalist in the best metal tradition. Singing clean, he's melodic, strong, and dramatic in his presentation. Ochoa is no slouch on the guitar either. This album is filled with classic heavy metal leads, blistering and soaring. These things are wrapped in large melodic arrangements embellished by some fluid keyboards and touched by violin for the song Back In Time.

Remembering the band members' backgrounds you can also expect some inspirational lyrics from their Christian faith, notable in Two Wonders and The Chosen Few for example. The latter is a stunning anthem driven by piano, riffs, lavish keys and, larbely the lush vocal arrangement where Parra finds help from Niki Bente, Ronson Webster, and Bloodgood's Les Carlsen. Yet can't forget another stunning solos in the end by Ochoa.

Some additional songs of interest. True to the roots of traditional melodic metal, Worldview often brings in a nice rock groove at times. This is particulaly strong within The Last Cry, but more so in the very catchy Walk Through Fire. Mentioned earlier, Back In Time shows the band's flair for the dramatic with violin at the start, then yielding to the moderate paced melodic power metal number with soaring vocals. Also of note is the opener Mortality where Worldview gives you this nice Middle East vibe starting a the start but really evovling after the midpoint. For something different, in his vocal performance within Illusions of Love, Parra takes on the voice of lead but also the sneering demonic growls of the antagonist. More could be said of the songs, with even great detail, but it's probably better to pique your interest than bore you with more of my rambling. Worldview's The Chosen Few is simply a strong effort: creative, enjoyable, and entertaining melodic heavy metal from some quite talented musicians. Easily recommended.

Worldview - Mortality

Worldview - Illusions of Love

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In Short

Worldview's The Chosen Few is simply a strong effort: creative, enjoyable, and entertaining melodic heavy metal from some quite talented musicians. Easily recommended.

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