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Timelord: Regeneration
Power/Progressive Heavy Metal
Rating: 3.5/5.0

There's an old adage that states, 'you can't judge a book by its cover.' The same could be said for the Timelord's new album 'Regeneration.' The cover was interesting and the advertising sticker was very descriptive about the nature of Timelord's music.

'Regeneration' 'features the twin guitar speed-metal attack of guitarists Matt Aub and Aaron Richert. Intelligent compositions, soaring vocal melodies, intricate water-tight rhythms, blazing harmony leads and a rock-solid rhythm section are the core elements of Timelords's commanding aural assault.'

That's an impressive description and, on top of all that, Timelord is an American band hailing from Virginia. Yet, after several listens I wondered if I wasn't just a bit deceived. Not that there aren't some progressive elements on this work, but much of it is harsh, nagging thrash metal.

'Regeneration' begins with the impressive 'Dawn Of Dissent' which features some exceptional arrangements and exciting guitar work. However my feelings were mixed as I listened further. 'The Great Machine's is a blistering aural assault built on speed and quick time changes, yet with unimpressive results. 'Slaves,' 'Sparks Of Rebellion' and 'Cult Of The Dead' together tread the same musical path showing little differentiation in style. You can probably skip these and miss nothing in the end except the guitar shredding. 'Aeon Calling' gives you more of a traditional metal feel with a great guitar assualt. Timelord nearly redeems themselves on 'The Alchemist,' the most controlled and consistent track on the album. Except for that fact that 'Faster Than The Speed Of Light' characterizes the extent of music on 'Regeneration' and has fiery and fast guitar licks, you can probably skip this one too.

The album concludes with three bonus tracks, only one of which was found on the liner notes 'The Devil's Game' (skip this also.) The final two tracks are only noted on the disc itself. 'Wardozer,' an instrumental track shows the guitarists at their most brilliant shredding capabilities. And 'T.A.B,' another instrumental, is so totally uncharacteristic of anything that proceeds that you wonder why more of this sound wasn't incorporated in 'Regeneration.' The guitarist and the entire band are simply fantastic.

Overall, I was not overwhelming impressed with Timelord or 'Regeneration, simply too much of the same thing musically. However, in the midst of this monotony, there are some redeeming qualities throughout this work. Matt Aub and Aaron Richert are above average shredders, Rick Hodes pounds the skins with resolve and enthusiasm, and the vocal harmonies are quite good though Mr. Aub's vocals are ordinary and easily forgotten. Also, this is an American band metal that could easily compete with their European peers in the same genre. In many senses there is an old school atmosphere here as the music harkens to the early days of thrash. If, in the future, Timelord eased up on the peddle, the overall heaviness, and added more consistent melody and diversification to their songs (as the did on the two final bonus tracks), then they would have greater appeal to me. This is definitely for fans of heavy and thundering metal with blistering guitar work.
  - Craig Hartranft

In Short

American metal band Timelord delivers a fast-paced aural assualt with speed metal mixed with some progressive characteristics. My fundamental problem with this work was the consistent monotony of the compositions. The songs seemed to blur in my head with not one in particular leaving me severely impressed. (However, the two unmentioned bonus tracks herald great craftsmanship and musicianship.)

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