Paranoic Music/K Records
Review: Craig Hartranft, 10.14.2009
Somewhere between classic thrash and punk is Italy's Devastator. Underground 'n' Roll is the band's third full-length of smash 'n' grab gonzo metal. Speed, anger, and vulgar verbal abuse are the major themes of this fast-paced disc. It might even say there's a strange feeling of southern California surfer punk within as well. Devastator romps, rolls, and generally causes havoc through cleverly titled and sometimes enigmatic songs like Satan Porno Dog, Dead Pride, A Very Famous Corpse, Smash Metal Drink Beer, I Hate Cover Bands, and Metal J Fox. I call most songs enigmatic because, except for the f-bomb which is used liberally, you can't understand a damn thing on Underground 'n' Roll. This is probably a good thing because I doubt that Devastator has anything good to say anyway. Their real gift is their excellent and commanding blend of thrash, punk, and hardcore into their own metal brand. For this Devastator is to be commended.
Underground 'n' Roll is the Devastator's third full-length of smash 'n' grab gonzo metal which expertly combines the best of classic thrash, punk and hardcore.
The Powell Payne project, created in 2022 is the collaboration of Mark "Penfold Powell (ex-drummer of Psycho Kiss) and Adam Payne (former vocalist of Airrace). With guitarist Adam Davies and keyboard player ... [ Read More ]