My Graveyard Productions
Review: Craig Hartranft
Added: 04.19.2009
I'll try to make this review as painless and short as possible ... Frozen Tears is heavy metal band from Italy; their latest and fifth release is 'Slaves.' Generally, this work approaches their usual standard of heavy metal mixed, with some power metal for good measure. A least this was the best I could surmise after listening to only the first six. Actually, I wanted to give up after number four, but I pressed on bravely until I could take no more. Overall, this is fine heavy metal: sound arrangements with an outstanding rhythm section and blistering lead guitar from Angelo Bonechi. What killed my 'Slaves' listening experience was the horrid vocals of Taiti Alessio. Honestly, I could not determine if Mr. Alessio is simply a terrible metal singer or simply can't sing. All I know is that I found him excruciatingly unbearable. This is a sad report because there's some real talent and good heavy metal here.
Frozen Tears latest 'Slaves' is a better than average heavy metal work which is grounded and made painful to listen to thanks to the unbearable lead vocals.
The Powell Payne project, created in 2022 is the collaboration of Mark "Penfold Powell (ex-drummer of Psycho Kiss) and Adam Payne (former vocalist of Airrace). With guitarist Adam Davies and keyboard player ... [ Read More ]