Xtreem Music
Review: Craig Hartranft
Added: 05.10.2009
I should know better. But, I admit I was intrigued: a mix of old school thrash and black metal with a female lead. After the briefest of listen to Korgull The Exterminator and their debut 'Dogs Of War,' I knew I had made a mistake and the joke was on me. Korgull has to be the worst metal band I have heard in a long time. This band is so terrible, so devestatingly horrifying, that I should make a new award (and category) just for them: dumbass metal band of the week. Within the first song, I thought I'd laugh my ass off. This band sucks.
I'll give them credit by way of description, they do play a mix of classic early 80's thrash and black metal. However, it's all downhill from here. Their black/thrash metal is so horrid that 'Dogs Of War' makes Venom's debut sound like a Beethoven symphony. Seriously, the band's musicians Mark Wild, Steel Maniac, and Joe Bastard can barely play their instruments. They sound rigid, flat and totally contrived and uninspired. Moreover, I thought it was impossible for a death metal singer(?) to ever sound bad, but Lilith Necrobitch is truly misereable; her own appellation of delivery is perfect: 'screams of agony.' Unfortunately, we listeners are the ones enduring the pain of her vocal torture: screams, grunts, and groans of incoherent and unsufferably inane lyrics about battle, blood and death. Well, that is certainly original and clever! Bottom line: Korgull should be scheduled for extermination.
Korgull The Exterminator is a hideous heavy metal band and a perfect embarassment to true metal bands everywhere. Highly avoidable!
Korgull has to be the worst metal band I have heard in a long time. This band is so terrible, so devestatingly horrifying, that I should make a new award (and category) just for them: dumbass metal band of the week. Within the first song, I thought I'd laugh my ass off.
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